Friday, August 09, 2013

BC Employment by Sector July 2013

Below are some graphs highlighting Vancouver's and BC's employment over the past 15 years in various sectors. But first here are the historical employment, participation, and unemployment rates (CANSIM tables 282-0117 and 282-0087)

The participation rate has dropped of late: unemployment has slowly dropped since the recession and the employment rate has remained low.

The labour rate spreads between the rest of BC and Vancouver CMA are graphed below. A positive number means the rest of the province has a higher number than Vancouver. In terms of unemployment Vancouver has typically been about 50bps lower than the rest of the province, but lately that differential has been negative.

Here are the contributions of the two major goods producing sectors (construction and manufacturing) as a percentage of total employment and total employment. These are seasonally unadjusted with 3 month moving average applied (CANSIM table 282-0111).

Construction employment as a percentage of total employment is once again waning. The service producing sectors (NSA) (12 month average):

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