Thursday, May 31, 2012

Landcor BC Q1 2012 Report

British Columbia Q1 2012
Residential Sales Summary

Vancouver, BC - May 30, 2012 

The regional BC real estate markets are collectively up a tree, staring at the danger below. The mood is a bit scared, a bit scarred, the euphoria of earlier broad-based gains long evaporated.  

Branch-wise, some submarkets still maintain a decent grip, others not so much. Adding to the uncertainty, a weighty panda bear has climbed up in the tree too - the regional-centric yet deeply influential influx of foreign residential and resource-industry investment buyers.     

The living-dead mess in the euro zone, knock-on worries in Asia, the usual suspects everywhere. Global, national and provincial economies shift in concert, the winds affect the whole forest and our relatively small yet overloaded tree sways and creaks. Hang on...   

For a hard copy of the report and more information, contact:

Rudy Nielsen, President and Founder
Landcor Data Corporation
(604) 604.606.7914


  1. Can Landcor see the copse from the spinney?

    BTW, bears climb trees.

  2. Yo Jesse - where the monthly stats?

    -regular reader

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