Thursday, July 07, 2011

World Housing Bubble

Readers interested in Vancouver real estate should investigate the blog World Housing Bubble "China, Australia, Vancouver Real Estate News".

A recent post concentrates on the divergence of prices between regions of Vancouver:
If we break down detached by area and smooth over four months, we get the following chart (here). Areas of high growth in price:
  • Richmond (which appears to be topping out. The REBGV tossed out that oh, it's balancing because it lost $25,000 in value since last month. Really, guys, it's come to this. Houses in Richmond lost 1/7 of the average house price in the U.S., in one month, and that's a "leveling off".)
  • Van West (Rip roaring)
  • West Van (likewise)
  • Burnaby
  • Van East (Our old reliable "average" gal)
  • South Delta
The rest are making yearly returns close to or below the inflation rate.
The housing bubble in Vancouver is somewhat concentrated and blogger GG has parsed the data to show it. These areas are also areas with a higher-than-regional-average concentration of ethnically Chinese residents.

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