Tuesday, September 04, 2007

September Kickoff

Good morning,

If you are returning from summer vacation today, looking over some of the posts you've missed in the past few weeks and wondering which ones are worth a read you should check out:

Mortgage Fudge
CMHC Housing Data
Long Term House Price Data
Fraser Valley Housing Data Release
And this video of Robert Shiller

We are awaiting the local August Housing Data Release in the next couple days and I will provide analysis once I have the data in hand. I have a hunch we will see higher prices in August but fairly subdued increases compared to the past. Inventory has taken a noticeable slide and it will be interesting to see how this develops in the fall.

Whatcha want?
On another note I wanted to use the beginning of the fall routine to ask you, my readers, what sorts of things you would like to see here in the next few months. Use the comments to tell me what you think. I enjoy doing the charts and data analysis. I also like staying up to date on market developments and looking at things from a historical perspective. What would you like to see?

I have received some generous donations from some of you and I thank you. I intend to use the funds to purchase StatsCan data for further analysis this fall. On my list of things I would like to accomplish is:

1) Long Term Price Earnings Ratio for Greater Vancouver Real Estate which will require long term rent data. This has been extremely difficult to get my hands on but I will persist. Any leads are appreciated.
2) Some more historical / philosophical analysis of markets and market psychology. In particular I am interested in doing some more observation and discussion of past financial manias and the popular psychology surrounding them. There is some fairly interesting literature on the matter that I have read and plan to read.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your hard work. The long term P/E ratio would be great.

    Personally I'd also like to see some more commentary on stock markets or other places for money to be invested when the RE market is so over-priced.
