In April the Teranet-National Bank National Composite House Price Index was up 0.5% from the previous month, following a flat March. Though the gain might appear robust, it must be said that apart from the recession in 2009, the composite index always advanced in April, the average monthly increase having been 0.9%. Last month's advance is indeed the third weakest for April outside a recession since 1999. Though the countrywide composite index rose to an all-time high, only four of the 11 metropolitan markets surveyed did the same. Prices were up from the previous month in nine markets. Calgary's 1.5% advance was the third in a row exceeding 1%, taking that market to a new high. Montreal's monthly gain of 0.8% was far from making up the ground lost in March. Prices in Hamilton, Halifax and Ottawa-Gatineau were up 0.7% on the month. The rise in the national capital region ended a run of seven monthly retreats. The rise in Halifax left its index still below the January reading. The monthly gain was 0.6% in Edmonton, 0.5% in Vancouver (the only city whose prices have risen for 12 consecutive months, also to a new high), 0.4% in Winnipeg and 0.3% in Toronto. These last two markets reached new highs although their advances trailed the countrywide average. Two markets were down from the previous month, Quebec City (−0.5%) and Victoria (−1.0%).
Teranet – National Bank National Composite House Price Index™
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